For those of you who have not heard, Leland has been very cute in her excitement for her upcoming birthday. Technically, her birthday is on April 22, but we are celebrating it on Saturday the 19th.
Ashley and I usually don't do much to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, or birthdays. Poor Leland really hasn't been given much in the way of b-day parties before, but this year we got really excited to do something that would make our Leland Joy so happy. Ashley's mom, aunt, and sisters' families will be in town, so we have been planning a big party.
About a month ago, we were teaching her how she is almost three. Since then, she has been very excited about her upcoming birthday. A few weeks ago, Leland asked Ashley how soon her birthday was for the umpteenth time, so Ashley decided to make a fun birthday countdown paper chain. Each day, Leland gets so excited to take off one link in the chain and get closer to her birthday. The past few days, she has been so excited to take off a link, I swear she might explode. After taking off this morning's, she was jumping all around saying that there is only one chain left!
Sadly, that was the beginning of a rough day for our little sweetheart.
This morning, Ashley and the girls went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few more things for the party. Ashley had almost everything that she needed and Leland started to complain about feeling sick. She sometimes says she feels sick when she needs to go the bathroom and has been holding it for too long so Ashley didn't think much of it. All of a sudden, Leland started to throw up all over herself. She was sitting in the front of the cart, Lucy was in her infant carrier in the back, so all of the items were under Leland now covered in puke.
{Ashley now writing} After 5 years of working at Wal-Mart I knew how long it might take to get someone to come clean that puke up off the floor, so I didn't wait around. I told an associate to call maintenance to clean up the mess and threw an orange caution cone over the bulk of it. My apologies to anyone at Lexington Wal-Mart around 11am today by the eggs. So sorry you had to smell my daughter's puke, I hope you didn't step in it.
Leland was such a good sport. She didn't get upset or anything. She actually said she was sorry that she threw up on the cart. Poor girl. On my way to the bathroom, I grabbed a change of clothes off the shelf. I stripped Leland down to her underwear and bare feet, changed her clothes and proceeded to clean off the items I needed to buy.
Before the puking, I was minutes away from walking out of the store, now I spent what felt like an hour in the women's bathroom cleaning puke off of everything in my cart. I am more upset that I had to buy a $7 outfit that Leland does not need. I was impressed that I actually grabbed something cute in my minutes of crisis.
We finally got home and while I was unpacking my purchases Leland had made herself a bed on the floor and was knocked out asleep. She only had Gatorade the rest of the day and did not keep any of it down. She managed to ask for her bowl before every incident and was quite pleased with her self for catching all of her puke.
She fell asleep on the couch at about 6pm. Later, Chuck changed her into PJs and put a pull-up on her with out her even waking up. Hopefully, she will wake up tomorrow healthy and rested and we can still celebrate.