Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween - part II

Here are some pics of trick or treating at the Main St. businesses in Lexington. Tons of people showed up to trick or treat around about 6-8 blocks of the historic area. Our town is great, y'all really should come visit!

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After our Law Families party eating 'Smores and watching Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin, Ashley took Lucy home to hand out candy, and Leland and I went out trick-or treating.

She got the hang of it quite quickly. At first, we only did the dozen houses between the party and our house, but she did not want to stop when we hit home. She sweetly asked to "go to more houses".

I could tell she was tired from the way that she was walking, but we went back out. I took the sit-and-stand stroller so that she didn't have to walk between houses, only up the doorsteps. After another dozen house she still wouldn't let me stop. Finally after a few more, she said, "Daddy, I go home and go night-night." She was so cute the entire night.

In these videos, if you listen carefully, you can hear her say "Trick or treat." The 3rd is our next door neighbors, 3 first year law students - one of whom has been really nice to talk/play soccer with Leland when we see him.


  1. So stinkin' cute. Connor never got the concept of saying Trick or Treat. He would just say please. What a sweetheart you have.

  2. so so cute! I love that on the last video, he was letting her pick, and she just stood there with her opened bag waiting for him to drop it in! SO SO cute!

  3. Wow she is a professional! I love how she says THANKS, like this is the greatest discovery ever. I sure miss that little girl.

  4. I LOVE blogging!!! You all are saving me so much time and money. When I need a " Leland Fix" I just run to my computer and there she is! I feel like I'm right there, enjoying the moment. You told me the witch outfit was cute, but words can't describe how adorable she looked in it!

  5. Leland is the sweetest thing. Her little voice is adorable - it would make me want to give her all the candy I had. I love the costume too, the purple feathers are so cute.
