Monday, April 26, 2010

Family Pictures


  1. Oh my goodness, those are so cute! You know we have never had a family picture taken...I know we are lame. Hopefully, this summer we will get one. Your girls are so grown-up and way adorable.

  2. Family pictures don't have to be from professionals. Both of these were taken on our small point and shoot digital camera. We keep a $7 mini-tripod in our glove compartment for times we want pictures like this. The full family one was taken by the side of the road on our way home from church.

  3. That baby....I really think she wants to come live at my house! Cute pics, Ashley!

  4. Oh my goodness!! Are they not the cutest?! So pretty. Dayne and June are obsessed w/ the fact that Leland and Lucy (and even Charlotte) have so many matching outfits. My poor girls...I'm no fun. (;

  5. I love Charlotte's face in the one with just the girls. Cutie pie!
