Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pleasant Sunday

Sunday Chuck and I both gave talks is Sacrament meeting. We were supposed to give them last week, but since we were sick we were able to postpone them. I usually am pretty nervous about speaking in church but I felt very prepared and wasn't that nervous. During the beginning of Sacrament meeting I sat with the girls in the congregation and Chuck sat on the stand. I had asked some friends to sit with us to help with the girls while we were speaking. It was a little weird to go from the congregation directly to the pulpit because your not as prepared for the amount of people that are there. I spoke on prayer and building a testimony, Chuck spoke on "Be strong, Be courageous"

After church we decided to do another drive through the countryside. It was so nice. I really love the farms and rolling hills. We were out during sunset so it made for some gorgeous views. Leland enjoys seeing all the cows, although the other days as we were driving she kept saying that she saw rhinos. I kept telling her no that they were cows, but she insisted that they were rhinos.

1 comment:

  1. I meant to tell you I loved both of your talks. I am not just saying that as a friend. You guys really did a good job and the spirit was really strong. Just what I needed. Thank you.
