Saturday, October 15, 2011

Rafting down the James (the second time)

Our second trip rafting down the James was an entire different experience than the first. The water level was twice as high, so the rapids were twice as intense. We did two of their usual trips together since the water was moving so quickly, so we covered a lot more of the river.

The best part of rafting more of the James was that we went under my favorite bridge in city. It was gorgeous.
The river was a nice chocolate milk color.

I love this angle of the city. It's so unique because you can only see it from being in the river.
We shared the raft with a great group of ladies. They were so much fun and we laughed all the way down the river.
Two of the ladies fell in the river on two separate occasions. The first was bumped out when we went over top a rock that you couldn't see from the surface and it popped her right out of her seat and into the water. The other was a bit scary. She fell in when we were going down the 2nd of three class IV-V rapids. Chuck tried to grab her and she was pulled under the raft by the current. Luckily, she popped back up after a few seconds (which felt like forever!) and Chuck was able to grab her and pull her back in.

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