Monday, August 3, 2009

Our Life is Crazy

I really should go to sleep, but I just need to write some of these things down.

Leland and Lucy LOVE their baby sister. They always are concerned on where she is and what she is doing. I often find them lying next to her chatting with her. I've decided that I don't think it's really harder with 3 kids, it's just hard having a nursing baby. For example, I can't run after Lucy as she tries to escape from the library when I'm nursing. I can't even make it out of the house on time. By the time I get everyone ready to go, I feel like it's time to nurse again. But it sure is fun to cuddle with all three girls (as long as I'm not nursing when the other 2 think it's time to climb in my lap to cuddle).

A funny story but you may have to have nursed before to appreciate. I decided to pump while the girls were entertained by the TV in the other room. They lost interest in the TV before I was finished and came to see me. Leland was very concerned by what I was doing, but then she decided she wanted to help (it's a manual pump). Lucy then wants to help too, but then lifts her shirt and says "my turn". I hope I didn't traumatize them, but I think I was more traumatized.

Charlotte really is a good baby, but she likes to be held A LOT. She is not a huge fan of her car seat and likes to scream when buckled in. This is a huge shock to us because Leland and Lucy both loved the infant carrier and spent most of the day, every day, in it for the first few months of life. She's my first baby that I feel like actually looks like I did as a baby. Yeah! But she has baby acne. Boo! Another new thing for us and I'm not a fan, but really who is a fan of baby acne?

Here's a little video of some of the things our girls love to do:
Besides yoga and SYTYCD, our girls also love to watch Wipeout. They crack up laughing and cheer for those that do well. The other night they pulled all the cushions off the couch and set up their own "big balls" jumping course.

(On a side note for the SYTYCD fans - I loved last week's return of last seasons favorites: Twitch, Katy, Mark, Joshua, Chelsea. I loved last years finalists so much more than this season's finalists. I really don't care for any of the top 4.)

After church on Sunday, Chuck and I were told that Leland bore her testimony in Primary all by herself about her family and new baby sister. She also sang a solo. She apparently already knew the words to a song that was being taught, so they asked her to come to the front and sing, so she did, ALL BY HERSELF! It wasn't even a song that I know or have ever sung with her. I feel like she learns words to songs after only hearing them a few times.

We took this family picture on Saturday. The shirts are from Chuck's family reunion. We still got the shirts, even though we didn't make it to the reunion and needed to take a family picture in the shirts. The reunion seems to be on the same schedule that we are on for having babies - we've had a baby the week before or the week after the last 2.

The girls were very excited to all wear matching shirts. Charlotte got a blue one because they were ordered before she was born and I think everyone was expecting her to be a boy. After we took our picture, Lucy did not want anyone to take off their shirts. She got VERY upset when I finally took Charly's off. At night when it was time to put on pjs, Lucy still refused to take off her shirt.

For those wondering about our plans for the future - our lease is up this Saturday and we still haven't decided where we are moving. Fun times! We at least have options, just no decision yet. Part of our house is packed, but it's hard to get motivated when you don't know where the boxes will be unpacked.


  1. I've been meaning to tell you, sorry about the blue shirt for Charly. I was the one that did the ordering, and figured even if you did have a girl, a girl would rather wear blue than a boy wear bright pink. We may end up ordering a few more, and if we do, I'll be sure to get you a pink one. You family is so cute!

  2. I MISS YOU GUYS!!! I feel soo bad that I haven't called you to chat Ash--but you know, life with a newborn... I can't even imagine having three.

    So what is the deal?! Are you guys staying in Lexvegas? I need to know.

  3. That nursing story is hilarious! Miss you guys already!

  4. Hey Ashley, I just wanted to say congratulations on the new addition! I have been very "out-of-the-loop" lately but I wanted you to know I was thinking about you and your cute family and I am so happy for you!! Take care!! Jerilyn

  5. I love the videos! So great. The yoga is the best. DARLING!

  6. I was just catching Michael up on some blogs and showed him the latest but then we saw that we somehow missed this one. I think it was when we were moving too maybe. Anyway, we both think that was really cute and funny. Great video.
